Tcltk python download mac
Tcltk python download mac

Setenv XERCESCROOT /xerces-c-src_2_7_0-gl1-mac To test that the library works correctly, enter: The fitsio.h and longnam.h files are also needed to compile any programs that use CFITSIO. This creates the f, cfitsio.dll, and cfitsio.lib files. Go to start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio.Enter the location of the unpacked cfitsio-v3.060A tar ball.Execute C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\vcvars32.bat.Unpack the CFITSIO source files into a V:/Glast_Software/Toaster/GLAST_EXT/VC8/cfitsio/v3060A/cfitsio-v3.060A/ (or the location where you want to install).

tcltk python download mac

  • Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are (/usr/include).
  • Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk libraries are (/usr/lib).
  • Unzip and change to the directory of the unpacked archive, E.g.,.
  • *While running "make", if you run into any compiler problems finding tcl8.4 or tk8.4 libraries, try setting the environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH to point to the location of the tcltk libraries:

    tcltk python download mac

    Uncomment and edit to reflect your Tcl/Tk versions are.(for linux) "-I/afs//g/glast/applications/heasoft/PROD/tcltk/i686-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.3.2/include".Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are.(for linux) "-L/afs//g/glast/applications/heasoft/PROD/tcltk/i686-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.3.2/lib".Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk libraries are.Enable tkinter, by Uncommenting the line "_tkinter _tkinter.c tkappinit.c -DWITH_APPINIT ".To build Python against tcltck 8.4, there are three lines to edit in the file ( I would suggest searching for "_tkinter" in the Modules/Setup file, then follow the documentation).Enable zlib (Uncomment the line corresponding to "zlib").Edit the file, "Setup," in the "Modules" directory, "Modules/Setup".msiexec /a /python-2.5.1.msi ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR=," E.g.,.if installing on a network drive ( assuming that you are logged in on glast-win06).

    tcltk python download mac

  • Using command.exe, enter the following command.
  • Tcltk python download mac windows#

    Download the appropriate python2.5.1 msi file for your windows architecture.

    Tcltk python download mac